Relationship : DO’s and DONT’s

When an old couple was asked, “How did you manage to stay together for 65 years?”

The woman replied, “We were born in a time when if something was broken we would fix it, not throw it away.”

Why do we treat real love wrong? - Lynnslongbranch

We are in a generation where it’s easy to walk away and just give up. A generation where falling in love is easy but the challenge arises when it comes to consistency.

Every relationship is not perfect but it is in our hands to make our relationship smooth and take it a long way ahead.

No matter how much we love our partner we end up doing things that ruin our relationship. I am also not an experienced relationship adviser or any such thing but just sharing few tips that could actually save your relationship. Just a gentle reminder to avoid blunder mistakes.

The utmost DO’s in a relationship.

  1. Communicate
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Communication skills are one of the soft skills that are essential in our professional as well as personal life. When it comes to relationships, communication is the only way to solve down all the problems and miscommunication.

Lack of communication brings in space for misunderstanding and a room for small arguments to get bigger.

Only an effective conversation between the partners can clarify the expectation they have from one another. And not only this, but it also helps you know your partner better and can take your relationship a long way.

2. Respect

Show Some Respect | Norwich Pride

Respect is similar to acceptance as it primarily means to accept somebody for who they are, even when they are different from you or no matter how different their perspectives are.

Once you respect your partner the way they are, you gain security in your relationship because you can be yourself.

Respect helps to avoid all the arguments which occur due to the clashes in thinking. It also gives appropriate space in the relationship and help you to sort out your misunderstanding.

3. Trust

Open Call: Trust - Eyebeam | Transartists

Trust is the glue that connects two people unbreakably.

A relationship without trust is like a wooden cart without one of its tires.
It somehow manages to move forward but with difficulties while making the journey rough and harsh. And hence the relationship won’t last instead becomes a toxic one.

So, build trust and have a smooth journey of togetherness.

4. Grow in Love

Let Love Grow Stock Illustrations – 35 Let Love Grow Stock ...

Every human is different from one another. And this difference can also be a source of learning. So, it’s not necessary that a relationship should always be about love and romance.

Hence, explore with your partners. Learn skills that your partner may know and vice versa. Learn some new dance styles, complete one of your bucket list, try new food recipes, go on an adventure or try out something new.

Grow together and expand your horizons because it improves your emotional connectivity with your partner. Along with that, this also helps in understanding your partner better and growing your love.

Some of the blunder mistakes to avoid in a relationship are:

  1. Don’t be judgmental:
Judgmental Stock Illustrations – 478 Judgmental Stock ...

The world has much of doubt and discontent to pour upon your partner and you probably wouldn’t like to add up on that.

When you judge someone, you are looking down at what they do in their life as not acceptable, or not good enough. It merely shows that you don’t accept her the way she is and restricting your partner to be expressive.

And when you start judging your partner, they don’t feel loved and creates negativity. So, never judge your partner.
Once you are in a relationship, you are to accept their positive aspects as well as flaws.

2. Don’t disrespect

sorry I don't speak disrespect Blank Template - Imgflip

Nobody likes to get disrespected. When you disrespect your partner, it creates a room for bigger arguments and fills your relationship with bitterness. Along with it, ego and attitude comes in between your love life.

Losing respect for one another is the first phase of hate over ruling your love for your partner. Hence, don’t you ever disrespect your partner.

Always adore and appreciate your loved ones.

3. Don’t have secrets / lie

Be wise Don't tell lies - bert and ernie whisper | Meme Generator

Earlier in the blog, I mentioned the importance of trust in a relationship. This is exactly linked with that point.

One lie, and that’s enough to break all the trust and fundamentals of a good relationship.

This very factor opens the door for all other negative aspects of the relationship. Similarly, lack of trust gives birth to disrespect and well, till now we are pretty aware of the consequences.

No matter how bitter the truth is, it’s better to accept it and say to your partner rather than telling lies and inviting a hurricane in your life.

4.Don’t take your partner for granted

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It is a humanly nature, that we take things granted till we have and only realize it’s importance after we end up losing it. And in relationships too, one of the major problems is that, after a while, you begin to take each other for granted.

When you take your partner for granted, you quit on appreciating your partner and this surely will deteriorate your relationship.

So, appreciate your partner and be grateful for the relationship you have rather than being sorry at the end when it’s too late.

Many of you might think that proposing the person you love is difficult but the hardest thing is to continue loving that person after they become yours. So, these were the primary do’s and dont’s in a realtionship. Shower your partner with love, affection and walk the path of love smoothly.

Stay home, stay safe and love your partner.

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